2 BHK Flat in Mahim for Rent in Solitude - Semi Furnished
Property overview

2 BHK flat on Rent/lease in Mahim, Solitude, Rent ₹ 1 Lakh per month. The 2 BHK apartment on lease has an area of 800 Sq.ft. Carpet and is located at Bhagoji Keer Marg, and is available in Semi Furnished condition.

Property Details Updated: 08-13-24
  • Prop. Type:
    Residential Lease
  • Building:
  • Mahim, Bhagoji Keer Marg,
  • Bedrooms:
    2 BHK
  • Area:
    800 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Rent:
    ₹ 1 Lakh
  • Deposit:
    ₹ 5 Lakh
  • Condition:
    Semi Furnished
Member Details

Property listed by Swati Sawant on 08-13-2024

  • Name:
    Swati Sawant
  • Company:
    Durga Realtors
  • Listed:
    Aug 13th, 12:00 AM
  • Updated:
    Aug 13th, 12:07 PM
Image Gallery


Mahim, Bhagoji Keer Marg,
₹ 1 Lakh Dep:₹ 5 Lakh
2 BHK - 800 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Semi Furnished
  • 08-13-2024
2 BHK requirement on lease
  • Mahim
  • 04-21-2024
  • Semi Furnished Fully Furnished

Required 2 BHK on leave and license in Kanakia Miami, Mahim Semi / Fully furnished both will do Immediate possession Budget upto 1 Lakhs.Please let me know if you have any property to offer.

₹ 1 Lakh

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Property details were last updated on 08-13-2024
The Transaction Data has been sourced from IndexTap and is available for informational purposes only and no representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy. You are advised to visit the relevant IGR Maharashtra website to know more.
Transaction Type Agreement Value PSF Ready Reckoner Value Registration Date Floor Area
Sale Lakh10 Jul 202420 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A07 Apr 202421000 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A09 Feb 202451000 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs12 Apr 20222500.0908 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A17 Mar 20225803.9557 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A12 Oct 202121000 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A16 Sep 202021000 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A13 Mar 202031000 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A04 Mar 202021000 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs06 Aug 201941104.3761 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A20 Jun 201921000 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A05 Feb 20195865.95575 Sq.ft. / PSF