4 BHK Flat in Dadar West for Sale in Matoshree Heights - Semi Furnished
Property overview

4 BHK flat for Sale in Dadar West, Matoshree Heights, Price ₹ 12.5 Crs . The 4 BHK apartment for Sale and is located at 101, DL Vaidya Rd, Near Shiv Sena Bhavan and is available in Semi Furnished condition.

Property Details Updated: 08-02-24
  • Prop. Type:
    Residential Outright
  • Building:
    Matoshree Heights
  • Dadar West, 101, DL Vaidya Rd, Near Shiv Sena Bhavan
  • Bedrooms:
    4 BHK
  • Price:
    ₹ 12.5 Crs
  • Condition:
    Semi Furnished
Member Details

Property listed by Arvind Yadav on 08-01-2024

  • Name:
    Arvind Yadav
  • Company:
    Spice Property
  • Listed:
    Aug 1st, 12:00 AM
  • Updated:
    Aug 2nd, 2:45 PM
Image Gallery

Matoshree Heights

Dadar West, Near Shiv Sena Bhavan
₹ 12.5 Crs
  • Semi Furnished
  • 08-02-2024
Property details were last updated on 08-02-2024
The Transaction Data has been sourced from IndexTap and is available for informational purposes only and no representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy. You are advised to visit the relevant IGR Maharashtra website to know more.
Transaction Type Agreement Value PSF Ready Reckoner Value Registration Date Floor Area
Sale Crs Crs26 Jul 2024870.2613 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs06 Jun 20241870 Sq.ft. carpet / PSF
Lease LakhN/A24 Apr 20241400.4911 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs08 Feb 2024725 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs06 Sep 202310870.2613 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A17 Aug 20234590 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A25 Jul 2023725 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs12 Sep 20224887.053 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs13 Jul 20221045 Sq.ft. carpet / PSF
LeaseN/A11 Jan 20228810 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs04 Oct 20212435 Sq.ft. carpet / PSF
Sale Crs Crs08 Apr 20214552.18805 Sq.ft. / PSF