Project overview

Cyber Code is a MahaRERA Registered Project bearing MahaRERA Registration Number P51700022442. Cyber Code is located at Thane - Belapur Road, T.T.C Industrial Area, Village - Shiravane, T.T.C Industrial Area, Village - Shiravane. This is a New Project being developed by Greenscape Realty.

Cyber Code has Office space, Shop, TYPE 1 GYM, TYPE 1 RESTAURANT & TYPE 2 RESTAURANT Apartments with carpet areas ranging from 1171 to 972 Sq.ft. Carpet. The Project has total 187 of which 41 are currently available for sale.

Cyber Code is being developed on a total land area of 58126 Sq.ft. Cyber Code has 1 Wings / Towers Cyber Code

Project Details
  • Project:
    Cyber Code
  • Location:
  • Thane - Belapur Road, T.T.C Industrial Area, Village - Shiravane, T.T.C Industrial Area, Village - Shiravane
  • Const. Stage:
    New Project
  • Possession:
    30 Jun 2025
Developer Details

  • Developer:
    Greenscape Realty
  • Phone:
  • Address:
  • 1908, Cyber One, Plot No. 4 And 6, Behind Odishabhavan, Sector 30A, 400703
Project RERA Details
MAHA REARA No: P51700022442
Project Type Commercial
RERA Project Status New Project
Architect Soyuz Tali Architects Private Limited
Funding Bank HDFC BANK
Proposed Possession 30 Jun 2025
Revised Possession
Extended Possession
Litigations No Litigations
Last Modified 28 Feb 2024
Last Retrived 10 Mar 2024
Cyber Code QR Code
Cyber Code
MahaRERA - P51700022442
Apartment Details & Configuration
Office space54.1 Sq.mts. ( 582 Sq.ft. )
Office space59.23 Sq.mts. ( 638 Sq.ft. )
Office space108.81 Sq.mts. ( 1171 Sq.ft. )
Office space111.94 Sq.mts. ( 1205 Sq.ft. )
Office space115.43 Sq.mts. ( 1242 Sq.ft. )
Office space124.37 Sq.mts. ( 1339 Sq.ft. )
Shop48.53 Sq.mts. ( 522 Sq.ft. )
Shop49.27 Sq.mts. ( 530 Sq.ft. )
Shop67.77 Sq.mts. ( 729 Sq.ft. )
Shop75.91 Sq.mts. ( 817 Sq.ft. )
Shop84.42 Sq.mts. ( 909 Sq.ft. )
Shop90.34 Sq.mts. ( 972 Sq.ft. )
TYPE 1 GYM120.69 Sq.mts. ( 1299 Sq.ft. )

Latest Sale and Lease Transactions in Cyber Code,

The Transaction Data has been sourced from IndexTap and is available for informational purposes only and no representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy. You are advised to visit the relevant IGR Maharashtra website to know more.
Transaction Type Total Amout Ready Reckoner Value Registration Date Floor Area PSF
Facilities & Amenities
Facilities, Amenities & Common areas details of Cyber Codelast updated on 10 Mar 2024 as per information obtained from MARA RERA.
Project Facilities & Amenities Available Details
Aggregate area of recreational Open Space
Community Buildings
In Later Scope Of Work
Electrical Meter Room, Sub-Station, Receiving Station
In Later Scope Of Work
Energy management
Fire Protection And Fire Safety Requirements
In Later Scope Of Work
Landscaping & Tree Planting
In Later Scope Of Work
In Later Scope Of Work
Open Parking
In Later Scope Of Work
Sewerage (Chamber, Lines, Septic Tank , STP)
In Later Scope Of Work
Solid Waste Management And Disposal
Storm Water Drains
In Later Scope Of Work
Street Lighting
Treatment And Disposal Of Sewage And Sullage Water
Water Conservation, Rain water Harvesting
In Later Scope Of Work
Water Supply
Temporary Municipal Water Connection In Place
Buildings / Wings in Cyber Code
Apartments Statistics, Saleable Area Statistics and available inventory snapshot of Cyber Code by Greenscape Realtylast updated on 10 Mar 2024 as per information obtained from MARA RERA.

58126 Sq. ft.

Project Area

0 Sq. ft.

Recreational Open Space

Total 1

Wings / Towers in Project

Apartments Statistics

187 apartments in total

Saleable Area Statistics (Sq. ft.)

160921 Total
Total 187 apartments in project. 146 apartments booked. 78% apartments booked.
Total 160921 Sq.ft. saleable area. 121383 saleable area booked.
75% area booked.

Cyber Code

WingProposed Date of CompletionNumber of SlabsPlinthBasement'sStiltsPodium'sOpen ParkingsClosed Parkings
Cyber CodeJun 202424102611358
Apartment TypeCarpet AreaNumber of ApartmentsBooked Apartments
Office space54.1 Sq.mts. ( 582 Sq.ft. )40
33 Booked82% Booked
82% Booked
Office space59.23 Sq.mts. ( 638 Sq.ft. )68
58 Booked85% Booked
85% Booked
Office space108.81 Sq.mts. ( 1171 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
Office space111.94 Sq.mts. ( 1205 Sq.ft. )31
22 Booked70% Booked
70% Booked
Office space115.43 Sq.mts. ( 1242 Sq.ft. )18
10 Booked55% Booked
55% Booked
Office space124.37 Sq.mts. ( 1339 Sq.ft. )17
15 Booked88% Booked
88% Booked
Shop48.53 Sq.mts. ( 522 Sq.ft. )3
2 Booked66% Booked
66% Booked
Shop49.27 Sq.mts. ( 530 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
Shop67.77 Sq.mts. ( 729 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
Shop75.91 Sq.mts. ( 817 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
Shop84.42 Sq.mts. ( 909 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
Shop90.34 Sq.mts. ( 972 Sq.ft. )1
1 Booked100% Booked
100% Booked
TYPE 1 GYM120.69 Sq.mts. ( 1299 Sq.ft. )2
None Booked0% Booked
0% Booked
TYPE 1 RESTAURANT120.69 Sq.mts. ( 1299 Sq.ft. )1
None Booked0% Booked
0% Booked
TYPE 2 RESTAURANT111.94 Sq.mts. ( 1205 Sq.ft. )1
None Booked0% Booked
0% Booked
187 total apartments / 146 apartments booked. 78% apartments booked.
Work Description in Building Cyber CodeCompletion
Channel Partners
Channel Partners Registered by Developer
Greenscape Realty
for Project
Cyber Code
last updated on 10 Mar 2024 as per information obtained from MARA RERA.
Name Company Location Mobile Designation