Office Space in Goregaon West for Sale in Sky Park - Semi Furnished
Property overview

Office Space for Sale in Goregaon West, Sky Park, Price ₹ 7.04 Crs₹ 30000 / Sq.ft. Carpet . The Office Space for Sale has an area of 2347 Sq.ft. Carpet and is located at Near HDFC House, Deshmukh Park and is available in Semi Furnished condition.

Property Details Updated: 08-30-24
  • Prop. Type:
    Commercial Outright
  • Building:
    Sky Park
  • Goregaon West, Near HDFC House, Deshmukh Park
  • Prop. Type:
    Office Space
  • Area:
    2347 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Price:
    ₹ 7.04 Crs₹ 30000 / Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Condition:
    Semi Furnished
  • Parking:
    Open Reserved
  • Floor:
Member Details

Property listed by on 06-18-2024

  • Name:
    Pooja Batra
  • Company:
    Mumbai Property Exchange
  • Listed:
    Jun 18th, 12:00 AM
  • Updated:
    Aug 30th, 6:51 PM

Sky Park

Goregaon West, Near HDFC House, Deshmuk
Office Space - 2347 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Semi Furnished
  • 08-30-2024
sq.ft. Office Space requirement on outright

Require Commercial pre-leased office space in Goregaon for 2.5 to 2.75 Cr. Open to other locations as well. (Only Western Line)

Property details were last updated on 08-30-2024
The Transaction Data has been sourced from IndexTap and is available for informational purposes only and no representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy. You are advised to visit the relevant IGR Maharashtra website to know more.
Transaction Type Agreement Value PSF Ready Reckoner Value Registration Date Floor Area
LeaseN/A26 Aug 2024735 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A30 Jun 2024420 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A05 Jun 2024300 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A05 Apr 2024350 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A20 Mar 2024545 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Lakh14 Mar 20240 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Lakh Lakh20 Feb 2024356.50037 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A19 Jan 2024565 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A15 Jan 2024565 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Lakh Lakh18 Dec 2023468.01437 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A13 Dec 2023735 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A25 Sep 2023356.4 Sq.ft. / PSF