Property overview

has an area of 500 Sq.ft. Carpet and is located at New Link Rd, Next to Citi Mall and is available in Semi Furnished condition.

Property Details Updated: 06-10-24
  • Prop. Type:
  • Building:
    Royal Classic
  • Andheri West, New Link Rd, Next to Citi Mall
  • Bedrooms:
  • Area:
    500 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Price:
  • Rent:
  • Deposit:
  • Condition:
    Semi Furnished
Member Details

Property listed by Nagesh Kamble on 06-10-2024

  • Name:
    Nagesh Kamble
  • Company:
    Shubham Prime Realtors
  • Listed:
    Jun 10th, 12:00 AM
  • Updated:
    Jun 10th, 6:32 PM
Image Gallery

Royal Classic

Andheri West, New Link Rd, Next to Cit
Shop - 500 Sq.ft. Carpet
  • Semi Furnished
  • 06-10-2024
Property details were last updated on 06-10-2024
The Transaction Data has been sourced from IndexTap and is available for informational purposes only and no representation or warranty is expressly or impliedly given as to its accuracy. You are advised to visit the relevant IGR Maharashtra website to know more.
Transaction Type Agreement Value PSF Ready Reckoner Value Registration Date Floor Area
LeaseN/A02 Sep 202412650 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A28 Aug 202411875 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A16 Aug 202421300 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A02 Aug 2024131096 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A30 Jul 202431250 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A24 Jul 2024151200 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A22 Jul 202441250 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A18 Jul 20241895 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A11 Jul 20248750 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A03 Jul 202415895 Sq.ft. / PSF
LeaseN/A02 Jul 20246708 Sq.ft. / PSF
Sale Crs Crs02 Jul 20244875.2127 Sq.ft. / PSF